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Ibrida is the story of ,

The story follows the progress of a young soldier, Talon, as she adapts to the life she's been given and the evolving conflict around her.

This story takes place in the middle of the Universal timeline, after Pretorians but before Starship Lollipop.


Ibrida takes place on a planet called Sytous, native planet of the Ertakar, over a century after the first contact and colonization of humans on the planet. The initial unrest after the conclusion of the first human/ertakar war, never truly settled, and the addition of the malformed subspecies Jal-Kar never truly subsided with time. The story takes place at the height of a new conflict related to that old war and the consequences of choices made at the time.



Xiktali - Head Physician for the Teotkoa. 'God Mother' to Talon and half-sister to Esurda.

Esurda - General of the Teotkoa, half-sibling to Xiktali.

Svirste - Combat instructor for Ertakar forces, including Teotkoa.


Talon - The primary protagonist and focus character for the majority of the story. Daughter of known berserker and old war hero, Tlakanok.

Jesuret - Major for the Teotkoa.

Koxiksys -

Siris - Lieutenant, Working under cover, presenting as a human.

Neijah -

Dorren -


Jaisce - Pivotal driving force behind current day conflicts in the story. A Jal-Kar man, and leader of one of the larger groups in the current Ertakar/Human conflict.

Dameon - Former human diplomat, and adjacent leader to Jaisce's army, he was responsible for the murder and exposure of Tlakanok.

Side Characters

Tlakanok - While technically part of the Teotkoa, at the start of the comic she is deceased but is pivotal to the events in the story.

Meinje - Engineer

Tacea -

Desteka -


Sytous - Home planet of the Ertakar


The most prevalent theme of the story relates to choices made and their ramifications.